XM Cyber is a leading hybrid cloud security company that’s changing the way organizations approach cyber risk. XM Cyber transforms exposure management by demonstrating how attackers leverage and combine misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, identity exposures, and more, across AWS, Azure, GCP and on-prem environments to compromise critical assets. You can see all the ways attackers might go, and all the best ways to stop them.

Our Representatives

Blorby Fermon

Architect, XMCyber



Niv Bohbut

Professional services ..., XM Cyber

Professional services engineer

XM Cyber

Michal Sharon

BDR, XM Cyber


XM Cyber

Helping CISO’s uncover hidden attack paths to their critical assets across cloud and on-prem

Exposure Management Platform

Security teams are struggling to handle volumes of security issues and understand what exposures are putting critical assets at risk to better prioritize remediation efforts. To transform how exposures are remediated, XM Cyber combines toxic exposures such as CVEs (vulnerabilities), misconfigurations, identity exposures, security control gaps and more to get the attacker’s perspective of how your hybrid cloud environment can be compromised.

By mapping all possible attack paths onto an attack graph you gain context of risk towards critical assets. And by understanding context, issues can be accurately prioritized with laser focused remediation that makes multiple exposures irrelevant. This allows for productive remediation that reduces risk in the most cost-efficient manner.

With the XM Cyber Exposure Management Platform, you can continuously reduce exposures across your AWS, Azure, GCP, and on-prem environments, identify what matters most, and know what to fix first.

The XM Cyber platform is the ultimate solution for organizations looking to stay ahead of cyber threats. At its core is the Attack Path Modeling Engine, which provides a holistic approach to managing cyber security risks. With XM Cyber’s Exposure Management Platform, businesses can gain invaluable insights into their exposures, detect security control gaps and deviations from compliance standards, and monitor security scores and trends for effective board reporting. The platform’s ability to analyze attack paths and gain an attack graph view from any breach point to critical assets enables businesses to prioritize remediation efforts where it matters most.